Wednesday, August 29, 2007
sorry about no posts
Monday, August 27, 2007
Gooseberry Mesa
Here's Ho on top of some of the slickrock formation with the Zion in the background. We continued like this for a few miles, not gaining anything in overall altitude but all the short ups really start to add up. There is also almost no shade and the sun beat on us pretty much all day. It wasn't too hot by Gooseberry standards, high 80's to low 90's but still hot.
We ran into a couple cuties, locals from down in St George, so we stopped to chat with them for a bit.
After about 4 miles you hit the first of the rim view points, a southern view that includes highway 59 and the town of Huricane down in the distance.
After another mile or so you make it out to the point with at least a 270 degree view including the one below
The ride out to the point was an out and back then after a bit of memory searching howie and I remembered that we took a degraded gravel road for a little bit then picked up the Yellow trail, a bit more technical than the first section, but similar slickrock. We crossed back over the road and caught the northrim trail
We could see the storm clouds starting to form in the mountains and began to get a little worried as the access roads turns to muddy impassible soup when they get much rain. We cut the ride a little short taking the most direct route back to the vehicles, but still a great ride. We were hustling to get things packed up and on the road when up drove two pretty clueless chicks drive up in a sporty little car, not sure how they made it back that far, but Craig had to go over and start chatting them up and then was a little upset when we were all ready to go, yelling at him to get a move on, and nobody had put his bike in the van. They took our suggestion and headed out too. We took the shorter, easier route back to pavement crossing our fingers the light rain didnt get any harder before we reached pavement. All went well and the route out left us with a longer mileage distance and no views of Zion, but it was the safest choice.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
sorry for the day delay on the blog but we were having internet connection issues last evening. Our first "real" ride down south was a concoction of a couple of rides from the guide books. It was in the red canyon area, near Bryce Canyon, similar red rock formations. These are also the canyons that Butch Cassidy and his gang were supposed to have hid out in between train robberies in the wild west. It is an amazing landscape, totally different than anything we have ridden in before. The trail tred was from hard packed to sandy, lots of shorter ups and downs. The whole ride was between 7200 and 8000 feet but it was some where in the neighborhood of 2500 feet of climbing. The first part of the ride was more or less up Cassidy trail to Losse Canyon trail. There was a nice view point of the canyon from above before we actually rode down though it. there was bit of gravel road from the base of Lossee to the base of Castro then up the ATV trail through Castro. The track was nothing exciting, basically a loose double track along the wash at the base of the canyon, then down through it, then back on the other side. We passed a few groups of ATV's going the other way but they were quite curious, no issues at alls. The ATV trail went the left and the single track headed up the canyon to the right which we took then bending around eventually hooking back up at the top of Lossee canyon. They built a more technical trail that sort of criss crossed the cassidy trail back which we took, alot of fun. Back to the car was about 24 miles, and being out in the sun for 5 hours really took it out of us.
We rode Gooseberry mesa today, but i dont have the pictures on the computer yet, so that will have to wait till tomorrow.
Friday, August 24, 2007
A Western Trip First
Well first an update from yesterday, the
We packed up this morning, the first time we really packed up the RV after having “lived” in it. It actually went pretty well, we left within a half hour of when we had planned to. I was a little apprehensive about the drive as we had to head down through
We found the “Hitchin’ Post” RV park pretty easily, just on the edge of the thriving metropolis of Panguitch. Its really not much to look at, but we got the RV in pretty easily and hooked up and there was nice spot to set up the “Swamp” tent for the
It was the first time we set out on a ride that we purposely knew we would be heading back to the vehicle in the dark. Howie and I both brought our night riding lights and most of the ride back was on gravel road so no big deal. We got there a bit past what would probably have been prime photography time, but the sunset was pretty amazing with about a 300 degree view. When we got back to the truck, we could see a wildfire down in the valley burning, pretty amazing as well. By the time we got back to town it was after 10 and everything but one gas station/ mini mart sorta place. We picked up a couple of candy bars and some bread. We had some smoked tuna in packets in the RV so we made up some tuna fish salad on toast with cheese
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
South Skyline trail
Well we finally headed up to the Ogden area to ride one of the skyline trails. We headed down to Salt Lake City, then up I15 to Ogden, then up Ogden Canyon to Pineview Reservoir. I was still feeling the effects of yesterday's ride, more mental than physical but my legs were less than fresh as well. I quickly found myself breaking our first rule of riding with our group, no whining, so I shut up and got ready for the ride. We had the route downloaded on the gps from a website so at least route finding should be easy. We found the start of the trail, a silly steep 30 yards or so, not a good omen. But the grade quickly leveled out to a more reasonable pitch that I could keep a good spin going at 1-3 or so. The two miles covered 800 feet, more than reasonable as we have determined over our trips that a grade of about 500 feet per mile is about all that we want to climb on a sustained basis. For those of you that ride Rothrock, thats about the over all pitch of lower Sassafrass but throw in the elevation and its tough. I found myself needing to stop at that point and eat a bar. Another mile of slightly more pitch and we were at the first big overview of the Ogden valley, like a "agrarian quilt." We had about a half mile of up and down then the sustained climb started again, topping out at 8000 feet, 3000 feet higher than when we started. We had the opportunity to take a 2 mile out and back to Lewis Peak, about 200 more feet of climbing, but Pooh was "finished with climbing" so we passed, because it is All About Pooh around here. There was also a minor issue about timing as we need to pick up Ho at the airport at about 7. We had slight climb to the final peak before we headed down. The first section was down along the ridge, nice views but a rather loose tread. From there it got steeper and stayed loose. There were some opportunities to catch some air over roots but without any knowledge of the trail and what the landings might be, I took them rather conservatively. We also ran into a couple of hikers on their way up and soon realized why as there was a major trail head parking at the end of the section. We felt a little jiped as we didnt seem to get enough downhill for all the stinkin climbing we did. From that trail head we headed down an old double track that was probably more single than double. Pooh was first down, stopped at one point and yelled back at me something unintelligible so I slowed down a bit and quickly realized he was trying to warn me about a dead deer laying right across the trail, YUCK! We got howie stopped in time and around it. Some more double track some of which was quite rutted then we hit pavement. A couple miles on pavement and found the pineview res. trail. It was sort of an overgrown rail trail with some wide bridges that ran around the edge of the water back towards the trail head, nothing to write home about about but better than the alternative major highway. It put us back on the highway at one point and Pooh decided to just ride pavement back while howie and I took the mowed path that kind of continued around the water. It ran us into a boat launch area about a half mile from the the truck and we took a look for its continuation across the parking lot. We found two trails and took the better looking of the two but that just took us down to the water. The reservoir was kind of low so we decided to just ride the edge which seemed reasonably firm around to the truck. At one point near the end, we found out later that Pooh was able to see us, we had to hike a little bit as the water went around a little point. Pooh apparently found great humor in this and got some strange looks from others in the lot as, apparently, he was about crying he was laughing so hard. We had run out of recovery drink mix after yesterday so all we had was cokes. It was about 4 or so and we were starving so we stopped at some Italian fast food place in Ogden on our way back to the interstate and had a "snack" of pizza. We were in good shape to hit the Radio Shack, I need some pieces parts for the video camera set up, and then make it to the airport by 7 to pick up Ho. That was before we hit the back up due to a lane closure. We got a call from Ho that he was on the ground and we let him know we would be a bit late. We got up to the next exit and decided to take surface roads around for a bit and between my maps and Pooh's gps we got around and back to the interstate before the exit for the airport. We found Ho pretty easily but were tempted to see if any of the nice looking ladies needed a ride instead. Back on the road, we stopped at Radio Shack, english was not the first sales guys primary language, he was watching soccer on the dish. I found what I need on my own and got outta there pretty quickly. Back on the interstate headed for camp, we decided to hit the mexican place for dinner then a quick stop at the grocery for breakfast stuff and back to show Ho his home away from home for the next little bit. We got ahold of the folks from Harrisburg and set a time for breakfast in the morning.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Mt Baldy Etc
Monday, August 20, 2007
Return to Bench Creek
Back at camp, howie had done laundry and we headed first to the hardware store then to the grocery store as Pooh went fishing. Joanne happened to call howie as we were checking out at the hardware store, he mentioned where he was and she got scared until he told her he was there with me. BBQ chicken and burgers were on the menu for the next couple nites. Pooh made it back claiming to have caught a few more but again with no proof what so ever. Currently we are watching the last of the Family Guy first season DVD's I brought along. We still havent figured out what we are gonna ride tomorrow but will tomorrow morning.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Epic
We headed across the ridge trail for a bit more then down Mud Springs trail, a fun downhill, loosing about 2000 feet. Parts of it were nice mellow downhills and parts were steeper, somewhat rutted and washed out from the moto's but all in all not bad at all and alot of fun. We ran into a couple more moto's on their way up, no big deal then caught up with a couple of horses, a dad and son. The first time Pooh saw them, dad was drinking a beer, the second time we caught them, after waihting a bit since they did not want to let us get by, dad was getting another beer outta the saddle bag. The trail finally widened enough that we could get around them and down to the creek at the bottom of the trail in the American Fork Canyon. This was where we started up the gravel road to the next half of the adventure. Other than the fact that this road seemed like an interstate for ATV's it was not a bad ride, middle ring climb for about 6 miles up a pretty canyon. We also saw a few jeeps, a few rock crawlers, and some pickups on the way up, and one stock grand cherokee with a couple of women in it that I think were in over their head. We caught up with a local on a mountain bike going for a geocache that steered us up the right road since it was not labeled the same as on our map. That ended the casual climb. I figured out what the rock crawlers were up there doing at that point. We passed a pretty well equipped Jeep, I would say 4" lift or so, 35" tires, heading up and even though we were in granny gear, we left them in our dust. Not quite Amasa Back, but a heck of a challenge in a four wheeled vehicle. Anyways, we went up this, riding the majority but walking some for a couple of miles and over 1000 feet of vertical. We finally hit the holy grail of trails, Trail 157 at about 8900 feet. We thought we would be all set at this point but obviously didn't check the contours on the map very well. Im not sure how long we hiked, but it was steep hike a bike and we picked up another 600 feet of vertical before it got ridable again.
This is where we were supposed to pick up the trail according to our buddy at the bike shop. The views were superb and we climbed a bit more but it was mostly ridable, amazing bench cut trail on both side of the ridge. At this point we were a good 4.5 hours into the ride, but just about 20 miles. The trail 157 rode quite nicely for the most part for the next few miles, there was pretty loose downhill section but ridable. We made it to the point where our buddy would have had us heading down off the ridge trail on Pot Hollow trail, but we need to continue on the Ridge trail to get back to the truck. I have not looked at the ride elevation profile yet, but we did a bunch of up and down, some ridable, some not over the next few miles. Darkness was starting to become a concern but we finally seemed to top out and from what I could see on the GPS and map it was mostly down hill back to the vehicle.
We came through the low point in the picture above, about 9200 feet. If you click on it and look at it in a bigger frame, you can see another singletrack heading the other way around this bowl.
We were starting to feel confident that we were gonna make it back to the truck before dark so we waited up for howie to take a few pictures at this point. We had one more small navigational SNAFU starting down a trail that we thought might be correct but figured out it was wrong so back up we went and down (and a little up) the right trail till we hit the correct downhill back to the truck. It was "only" 27 miles but a long day in the woods. The one climb was 3000 feet itself so Im sure the total climb was well over 5000 feet but have not checked out the elevation profile yet, Pooh bear forgot to bring his GPS that tracks total elevation gain. Since we didnt have anything for dinner at the camper, we hit the mexican restaurant in Heber city, luckily it was open on a Sunday nite.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
The ride that almost was
We were passed by a handful of throttle twisting dirt bikers and a couple of jeeps while we were parked taking pictures.
An educated guess at a four way intersection, some more rough dirt road and we finally made it back onto pavement headed towards the Sundance ski area. We saw some some really sweet single track trailheads that we plan to hit tomorrow. Up until just this moment we had Pooh believing that we did some monster 50 mile plus gravel road ride on the bikes. He just started to catch on, and is not sure what to believe at this point. Anyways, we arrived back at camp just after Pooh got back from fishing. He claims to have caught a bunch but had nothing to show for it. We threw the hot italian sausage on the grill and howie made up another batch of potatoes. The Def Lepord CD that we have been listening to EVERY night during meal prep finally seems to have bit the dust so I managed to make my Ipod broadcaster work with the trailer's sound system so we have some new music in the camper tonight.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Flying Dog
The first climb was about 1200 feet, more than I had realized prior to starting but all in all not a bad start.
You can see in this second picture that its raining off to the east. We ended up getting sprinkled on a bit on the way up, but nothing serious. The way back down was alot of fun, good stretches of flowing slightly twisting track between switchbacks. It was also Pooh bear's first time on video. I was starting to notice that the previous day's ride had taken more of toll on my upper body than on my legs. No big deal, just felt the triceps a little more than Im used to. We met up with the far point of the ride that howie and I did previously and headed around Cobblestone trail. Howie developed some awful noise that seemed to emanate from his brakes so we stopped to check that out. His rear brake pads were about shot so we tried to change them but due to some technical reasons, we couldn't get them in but got the brakes working well enough. We got down to a decision point, either head right the way the ride description went and climb up similar terrain that we had earlier or go left and do more open desert riding. We decided to go left and have some fun there. We worked our way around the ridge and stayed high instead of heading down to the trailhead from our previous ride. More up and down bench cut riding on the face of ridge until we finally met back up with the trail we originally came in on. Down the the mile and half we churned up and we were back at the Beast. 19 miles and 2800 feet of climbing.
We made a quick stop at the grocery store and then to the bike shop as howie was having some issues with his rear wheel. We met up with a local that started telling us about some epic ride areas, so out came the map, highliters and a pen to mark arrows. I was having flashbacks to our trip to Sun Valley ID when we had a similar conversation at the Elephant Perch Bike shop and then did the death march that was the Boundary Creek ride that took over 7 hours. Well howie found some of what this guy was talking about on his spread sheet of rides so it doesnt sound too ridiculous, but time will tell as we are probably heading up that way tomorrow.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Longest Ride Yet
After the first 1200 feet rather than heading down the mid mountain to the right like yesterday, we headed left toward the ridge connector. We ran into a couple equestrians letting their horses graze for a bit as we reached the Wasatch crest trail and chatted with them or a few minutes. We continued the climb on the Crest finally topping out about 9400 feet, about 2500 feet higher than we started and about an hour and half later. I got to take in the sights a little more on this ride as I was not carrying the video camera so I didnt have to try and keep up with whoever was in front of me. We passed the point that we had turned around at when we did the Crest trail with the boys last week and headed down a dirt road to parts unknown.
I was able to pick up the track from the last time we had done the mid mountain trail on my GPS so at least we sort of had a heading to shoot for and the map seemed pretty accurate. We turned off the main road onto a very degraded jeep trail and found the Shadow Lake trail right where the map said it would be. Once we reached Shadow lake, really more of a smelly pond, I trusted my memory of which way we needed to head and cost us a little bonus millage and climb, but I figured out I had screwed up pretty quickly. So back down the road, past Shadow Lake again then picked up the Comstock trail. It passed by a couple of old falling down mining operations before it intersected with the Powerline trail which took us down to the Mid Mountain trail and back towards The Canyons. We passed a couple riders that then caught up to us when we took a little break and turns out they were from Philly, out here on vacation as well. During the last mile or so of the mid mountain trail it started to sprinkle on us but not even enough to really settle the dust on the trail. It sprinkled again a bit on our decent down Holly's down, but again not enough to really even get us wet. I almost never go through my whole camel bak of water, but I kicked it as we crested the last little rise over which you see the ski resort's buildings, very good timing. 29 miles and change, all but about 3 miles of it single track and about 4400 vertical feet of climbing later we were back at the truck. It was a great ride, but we were both glad it was done, really the first time this trip that I really felt "done" after a ride. A quick stop at the grocery and the bike shop, Pooh Bear now needed a new front derailer and we headed back to camp. We had thawed brats for dinner and howie grilled them up for us. I think Pooh maybe heading across the road to do some fishing this evening, but not sure.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Pooh Bear's First ride
First some background on Dave's nickname. Dave is a tall guy, 6 foot 3 or so, and typical bike tops dont fit so well, and his shirts tended to ride up a bit and garnered the term "belly shirt." We also caught him on film licking the last smackerals of "fluff" out of the marshmellow fluff jar after making fluffer nutter sandwiches which reminded us of Pooh bear and the honey jar. Well Dave gave his "belly shirts" away but graced us with a view of his midriff today.
We headed up the ridge connector trail that goes from the mid mountain trail to the Wasatch Crest trail which we plan to use to for a long ride once the guys from Harrisburg make it in next weekend. All in all we did close to 20 miles an about 3000 feet of climbing.
We got back to camp, howie had grilled up the chicken last night that we never quite got around to cooking and eating, and had that on salads along with more of his world famous potatoes. tonights entertainment is the DVD "This is Spinal Tap" a classic that pooh bear had not seen.
I did the final cleaning of the bikes the boys and Paul were riding and "hung" them back up on the back wall of the garage for transport for the rest of the trip.
It also rained here at the campsite for the second day in a row, not nearly as hard as the day before, but enough to wet the towel I had left out to dry. And I found the bug spray this morning!! Pooh bear convinced me I should really change out my rear tire as it was not only worn big time but the bulge in the side wall was looking really ugly, so I put on the Nevegal that I had brought out for it. When I was looking around for the sealant, I managed to find the bug spray hiding right around the door from one of the under room storage areas. The Nevegal seemed to work just fine including a brief out of the saddle climb on some relatively loose tread, so I have my fingers crossed it continues to work well and holds up OK.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Day Off
So I thought Id post a few pictures from the RV and truck showing some of Howie's cool ideas that have made traveling with all these bikes work really well.
But first, a couple of video clips of David and Alex wrecking, both were OK afterwards.
I havent figured out how to post the videos the proper way so you'll have to follow the link to Youtube
Davids mud puddle
Alex goes down
This is the back of the 5th wheel, this is actually a giant door that lowers to become a ramp into the garage area. Howie's idea was to hang the bike frames on this wall for traveling, as keeping them on the floor would take up a lot of real estate. I screwed three "D rings" into the ramp for each frame then secured them with wire ties, protecting the frame with rags. 4 frames fit quite nicely.
This is a picture looking at the side of the garage area from the side door. We used one of the boards with bike fork holders from the pick up truck bed system (next pictures) to hold the remaining two bikes and stored the tires on top of and behind the bunk bed cots which also store the large tent for "overflow visitors."
Here's a look at the back of The Beast when loaded with five bikes, gear for 5 guys, and a cooler for the post ride recovery drinks. Again, quite the idea from Howie, 3 of the fork holders were bolted to a board that runs along the tailgate and 2 on a board just on the cab side of the wheelwells. The next picture shows it better, but between the bikes and the cab, underneath the folded back cover, are three bins to transport shoes, helmets, and packs. Using a couple cable locks we are able to secure everything in the bed, bikes, wheels, and bins while we are in eating mexican on the way back from rides.
Here's a side view of the loaded Beast. We also have 4 trays that we can put on top of the cab if the need arises for carrying upto 4 more bikes in a shuttle situation. Other than finding suitable parking spots, the turning radius, and need to be extra careful on narrow roads, The Beast makes for one sweet mountain bike transport machine.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Blackhawk Revisited
By the time we got around to the eastern exposure, we could see storms building on the next ridge over but they did not seem to really be moving our way. The first five miles or so was a nice rolling trail, a little beat up by the cows but all in all a nice ride, 100% better than when Howie and I did it last week. We got to the campground where we bailed last time, took about 45 minutes vs about 2 hours before. We continued on until we hit the next exposed view. The storms looked worse and we could see quite a bit of lightning but by the difference in time hearing the thunder, we could tell it was a good ways off.
We continued on a nice exposed bench cut for a few miles, climbing a reasonable 500 feet or so as we kept an eye on the storm, but the trail was heading away from it. We got to a bailout point but since the weather really didnt seem to be moving our way we continued on the route as written.
At this point there was about a 1.5 mile climb on paved road with a nice overlook of Utah Lake then about a mile slightly downhill on a gravel road before we picked up a single track again. We had about 5 miles or so left and my mistaken assumption was that it was just a nice gradual downhill back towards The Beast. The first section was perfect except for a bit of dust, nice grade down, mostly buff single track running between aspens with a few rocks here and there to keep you on your toes. We came to a split in the trail which wasn't really matching up with the odometer readings in our ride description so we initially chose to go downhill. Luckily I downloaded the GPS track for the ride from a really sweet website and that told us pretty quickly we were not headed in the right direction. So back up we went, maybe 100 yards or so and back on the right trail. We hit the first of a few relatively short but steep uphills on our way back. I had made the mistake of not eating early enough in the ride, when I first started to feel hungry, then ate my whole fluffer nutter sandwich at once. This left me in a less than ideal "power situation" at least thats what Im blaming my less than stellar performance later in the ride on. The trail in between the ups including the last couple mile stretch back to the final short paved road climb were sweet, more nice twisty singletrack with just enough rocks to keep it interesting. There were a few cows along the way but no major issues. All in all about 17.5 mile and somewhere in the neighborhood of 2500 feet of climbing and we stayed dry. It was gonna be late by the time we got back so we stopped at the mexican place we ate at a few days ago, got the same table and same waitress, she even remembered us. We made the obligatory stop at Dairy Keen in Heber City on our way back to camp, I just got a small vanilla/orange swirl cone.
More than likely no blog update tomorrow, no ride as we have to take Paul and the boys to the airport about 2 and then pick up Pooh Bear around 6. But that does leave us plenty of time to go visit Camper World between visits to the airport.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Best Ride Yet
We knew we had to get on the Wasatch Crest trail, part or the Great Western trail. It runs on top of the ridge between Park City and Salt Lake City, above where we had ridden the mid mountain trail previously. Theres a few different ways of doing it, most involve shuttles using two vehicles, so we needed to find a way to do it without. We took a drive down I-80 towards Salt Lake, a quick left on I-215 then up Mill reek Canyon to the Upper Headwater trail head. Our plan was to climb up to the trail then do an out and back to the far point, about 10 miles from where we started. The first mile was a ridiculous climb of about 700 feet that we had to walk a couple spots in. From there we met up with the Great Western trail which still climbed but at a much more reasonable pace. Another couple miles and we hit the intersection with the ridge connector trail that would take you down to the mid mountain trail. At this point we were basically on the ridge top with fantastic alternating views of Park City and the Salt Lake basin. The ribbon of single track went from meadow to wooded section and back, more up than down going out but still granting us a few fun downhill sections. The saddle points, the low sections in the ridge line could be quite windy as we passed through them. We reached the turn around point, Howie ate his fluffer nutter sandwich and back we went. What took about 3 hours or so to ride up took about an hour to get back. David and I rode down one of the "crazy hike a bike" sections we ran into going up, well we walked a few yards of it when I lead us on a bad line, it really wasnt as bad as we thought it was gonna be as we were going up it. David fell in love as we passed a really cute blond that seemed really nice after we thanked her for letting us pass, as she really had the right of way but she had already stopped. Another little sketchy downhill section and it was more or less excellent buff single track back to the trailhead. We took a slightly different route back down for the last mile or so, great trail, but being so close to the trailhead it was pretty much littered with people. I did get two comments on my Ohio State jersey, one from some chick that graduated from Michigan, she was less than complementary, but her hubby, and Ohio State grad (yea, he knows its wrong, but so far so good he says), was happy to see it. Near the end two really nice looking ladies were walking their dogs and one said she was from Ohio, went to Kent State and Ohio State on the weekends, similar to me.
Back at camp it was Howie's special spaghetti, I could put his secret ingredient here, but then he would kill me. The evening entertainment was watching the video from todays ride and we are now currently debating what to ride tomorrow.
Friday, August 10, 2007
8 wrecks, two sheep dogs, and a mud pit
The next classic moment witnessed on camera was David going through a mud puddle that didn’t look too deep, right up until his front hub was about buried in it and he was going over the front of the bike. It was a nice soft slow speed landing, so again no damage done but man did I laugh. I agreed to split any money from funniest home video with him, it was that good. The next issue was more sheep, or should I say more sheep dogs guarding their flock. These dogs were much less happy to see us than the ones at the top of the mountain, one actually took a nip at the back of Alex’s seat. We got through that gauntlet and on to the last section of trail including that killer couple hundred feet climb at the end. A couple more minor spills not caught on tape and we were back at the Beast and headed back to camp.
Howie was having some minor issues with his outdoor modular cooking unit, we were not able to get much of a flame when all three burners were on but eventually the chicken got cooked and it was quite tasty along with more of his famous potatoes. Alex continues to amaze me with how much he can eat, he started with one of two left over burgers from a couple nights ago, then a breast and half of chicken, then a third one, incredible
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The Naked Guy and the Ride
Today was a very strange day. It started normally enough, the boys slept in and Howie got breakfast started. We decided to head to the hot springs ride, up along diamond fork. It was a bit over an hour ride, down through
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Boys first ride
Well the morning started out with Howie finally getting to try out the griddle for is modular outdoor cooking center, he was pretty excited. He did eggs, we both had ours sort of scrambled with peppers, onions, and pepper relish, then on a bagel with cheese, most excellent. We decided to take them on a repeat of our first mid mountain trail ride above Park City. The boys did quite well on the first climb but I could tell when things were getting steep for them as their chatter dwindled to nothing. Paul also did quite well for his first real ride at altitude, although he was a bit happier once we reached the Mid Mountain trail and things flattened out a bit. Everyone was impressed with the views from up there. Alex had a minor crash when he lost his rear brakes at one point but was behind me so I didn't catch that on film. Paul had a minor falling over as I was taping them coming around a corner. Alex didn't want to disappoint me so he had quite the spectacular wreck just in front of me on the last downhill, Holly's down, with tape rolling. Even after a few views of it back here at the trailer, we're still not sure what happened but he was OK and it looked pretty cool on the tape.
Back at camp, Howie started dinner and Paul was pretty sure he had never eaten a burger bigger than these. And what dinner would be complete without Howie's potato wedges. After everybody got cleaned up we headed into Heber City for ice cream at Dairy Keen, no thats not a typo.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
The crew arrives
A quick update on the bikes. Knock on wood, everything has been working pretty well. We had that one flat that was sealed up with Stan's pretty easily. I also found a splayed chain plate on his chain while lubing it one morning, but a quick link later and everything was OK. I knew that my brake pads were about finished even before we left state college, but I wanted to get a few rides out here on them. Well on Sunday they were really starting to make some strange noises so I pulled them monday morning. One of the fronts was just about on metal and the rear weren't much better so I changed them both out. Amazingly, changing out the front set actually fixed my rubbing issue, so now the only noise is from the rear suspension pivots. We'll have to see how long these organic pads last.
And I have manged to misplace the first item, my bug spray. I know I put it in a most logical place, but cant figure it out for the life of me.
Entertainment for tonight is listening to comedy central recordings the boys have on their ipods.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Recovery Ride
Well Howie decided that we should take it easy today, seeing as how we had ridden the previous five days and the last two rides were quite strenuous. After considering a few 9 or 10 mile routes, he settled on a 22 miler with an initial climb of 2500 feet, but "it is an easy grade." I was feeling good so I wasn't gonna argue, i was pretty sure I could handle it without too much of an issue. So we headed east in The Beast to the Little south fork of the provo river. The first five miles were on paved road, and if you have to ride pavement, this is the road to ride. It had a nice grade, hardly even noticed we gained 700 feet over the five miles, had a nice wide berm without alot of garbage on it, and the scenery up the canyon was great. Note to self, when you see gates that can close the road in the winter, you can assume that you are going to go UP. Anyways, we turned off on Mill Canyon road and took that another two miles, gravel this time but still not a bad grade, and beautiful scenery again. So the first 7 miles and 1200 feet took about an hour. Not exactly the start to a recovery ride, but what the heck. We turned onto another forest service "road" which was more of a beat double track that would take every inch of clearance the Big Tire Jeep has to get up it. But the bikes obviously had no problem and the grade wasnt too bad. Another 5 miles and 1300 feet later, we got to the single track heading down. The last bit across the top of the mountain had some spectacular views and it felt like we were on top of the world. It was the first time this trip we got over 9000 feet, actually topped out about 9700. After some pictures and bite to eat, we started down the 10 miles of downhill (with a slight up hill interruption close to the end) less than a mile into it we came out into a meadow and surprised a couple of elk that quickly took off. We then ran into about 100 head of cattle free range grazing, more than few less than happy to see us. There was a short steep section down towards the river tributary and we basically followed that the rest of the way down. It was definitely a great downhill, really nice track, although we did encounter our first bit of dusty trail. There were a number of meadows as well as stream crossings on the way down. After about 4.5 hours and 22 miles, including picture taking time, we were back at the Beast and decided this was definitely more than just a recovery ride.
It was only about 20 minutes back to the camper so that wasnt too bad. We got everything out of the Beast and quickly started dinner as we were both starved. We also started getting things moved out of the garage area into other parts of the trailer as Howie's son, nephew and brother in law are arriving for a week's stay tomorrow. Dinner was excellent as usual, bbq chicken, salad and more of howie's potato wedges.