Sunday, August 26, 2007

sorry for the day delay on the blog but we were having internet connection issues last evening. Our first "real" ride down south was a concoction of a couple of rides from the guide books. It was in the red canyon area, near Bryce Canyon, similar red rock formations. These are also the canyons that Butch Cassidy and his gang were supposed to have hid out in between train robberies in the wild west. It is an amazing landscape, totally different than anything we have ridden in before. The trail tred was from hard packed to sandy, lots of shorter ups and downs. The whole ride was between 7200 and 8000 feet but it was some where in the neighborhood of 2500 feet of climbing. The first part of the ride was more or less up Cassidy trail to Losse Canyon trail. There was a nice view point of the canyon from above before we actually rode down though it. there was bit of gravel road from the base of Lossee to the base of Castro then up the ATV trail through Castro. The track was nothing exciting, basically a loose double track along the wash at the base of the canyon, then down through it, then back on the other side. We passed a few groups of ATV's going the other way but they were quite curious, no issues at alls. The ATV trail went the left and the single track headed up the canyon to the right which we took then bending around eventually hooking back up at the top of Lossee canyon. They built a more technical trail that sort of criss crossed the cassidy trail back which we took, alot of fun. Back to the car was about 24 miles, and being out in the sun for 5 hours really took it out of us.
We rode Gooseberry mesa today, but i dont have the pictures on the computer yet, so that will have to wait till tomorrow.

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