We knew we had to get on the Wasatch Crest trail, part or the Great Western trail. It runs on top of the ridge between Park City and Salt Lake City, above where we had ridden the mid mountain trail previously. Theres a few different ways of doing it, most involve shuttles using two vehicles, so we needed to find a way to do it without. We took a drive down I-80 towards Salt Lake, a quick left on I-215 then up Mill reek Canyon to the Upper Headwater trail head. Our plan was to climb up to the trail then do an out and back to the far point, about 10 miles from where we started. The first mile was a ridiculous climb of about 700 feet that we had to walk a couple spots in. From there we met up with the Great Western trail which still climbed but at a much more reasonable pace. Another couple miles and we hit the intersection with the ridge connector trail that would take you down to the mid mountain trail. At this point we were basically on the ridge top with fantastic alternating views of Park City and the Salt Lake basin. The ribbon of single track went from meadow to wooded section and back, more up than down going out but still granting us a few fun downhill sections. The saddle points, the low sections in the ridge line could be quite windy as we passed through them. We reached the turn around point, Howie ate his fluffer nutter sandwich and back we went. What took about 3 hours or so to ride up took about an hour to get back. David and I rode down one of the "crazy hike a bike" sections we ran into going up, well we walked a few yards of it when I lead us on a bad line, it really wasnt as bad as we thought it was gonna be as we were going up it. David fell in love as we passed a really cute blond that seemed really nice after we thanked her for letting us pass, as she really had the right of way but she had already stopped. Another little sketchy downhill section and it was more or less excellent buff single track back to the trailhead. We took a slightly different route back down for the last mile or so, great trail, but being so close to the trailhead it was pretty much littered with people. I did get two comments on my Ohio State jersey, one from some chick that graduated from Michigan, she was less than complementary, but her hubby, and Ohio State grad (yea, he knows its wrong, but so far so good he says), was happy to see it. Near the end two really nice looking ladies were walking their dogs and one said she was from Ohio, went to Kent State and Ohio State on the weekends, similar to me.
Back at camp it was Howie's special spaghetti, I could put his secret ingredient here, but then he would kill me. The evening entertainment was watching the video from todays ride and we are now currently debating what to ride tomorrow.
I leap frogged with some guy at the 101 with an OSU Jersey, a burgudy and silver Vicious single speed, and some homage to Woody Hayes on his seat post.
The best part was he went to OU, not Ohio State.
thats ok, i went to Miami of Ohio, not OSU (just on weekends), but as the best professional football team in Ohio, all us Ohio natives have to root for them
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